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PO₩ER歌词 - G-DRAGON (权志龙)

发布时间:2025-02-27 13:35:17



PO₩ER歌词 - G-DRAGON (权志龙)

以中毒性强烈的节奏为基底,叠加 G-DRAGON 的强韧说唱,释放嘻哈魅力。歌词以多重语义激发思考,凸显其天才创作力。

PO₩ER - G-DRAGON (权志龙)

Lyrics by:G-DRAGON

Written by:Tommy Brown/Theron Thomas/Steven Franks/G-DRAGON

Produced by:Tommy "TB Hits" Brown/Steven Franks

When G.D's in the house


When G.D's in the house

Guess who's back

(It's ur boy G.D)

Now I got the power

The power power up power power

The power up power power yet yet

억까 짤 퍼다 샬라샬라하다가 shout out

Pump up the power 난 자유로워 yap yap

Do not waste your time yea it's gotta be me

Prove 'em all wrong I've got all the receipts

I got the power the power power up power

나는 나다워서 아름다워 yep yep

애들이 나보고 개꿀이라더군

댓글 리플 관종 걔들 입틀막고

2세대 한정품이 세기의 완성품

Like a Dragon fly

누울 자리 글로 발명품

Hi-Hey-How u doin'

My-my name is


G to the D or 'GOAT' the livin' legend

King is still poppin' (star) 'K'- 다시

I heard you've got the straight flush


"He's 4ever royal."

I don't give a 쉬-잇 웃다 끝

'돈' 기부 '억' 씨-익

권력오남용 묻고

관용 천재 지병 불가항력

Way too strong I've got that

Now I got the power

The power power up power power

The power up power power yet yet

억까 짤 퍼다 샬라샬라하다가 shout out

Pump up the power 난 자유로워 yap yap

Do not waste your time yea it's gotta be me

Prove 'em all wrong I've got all the receipts

I got the power the power power up power

나는 나다워서 아름다워 yep yep

일당백 '지뢰밭' 본업이

(Born to be)

'BANG' Nothin' U ain't know But A 'G' Thang

But my girl

Y'all my brothers

(Who run the world?)

The world is yours

동서남북 Asia


Europe to Australia


Africa 2 America


Started from the bottom 'Now Here'


I don't give a 쉬-잇 웃다 끝

'돈' 기부 '억' 씨-익

권력오남용 묻고

관용 천재 지병 불가항력

Way too strong I've got that

Now I got the power

The power power up power power

The power up power power yet yet

억까 짤 퍼다 샬라샬라하다가 shout out

Pump up the power 난 자유로워 yap yap

Do not waste your time yea it's gotta be me

Prove 'em all wrong I've got all the receipts

I got the power the power power up power

나는 나다워서 아름다워 yep yep

I got the power the power power

"88 날아."

关于文章《PO₩ER歌词 - G-DRAGON (权志龙)》特别声明

《PO₩ER歌词 - G-DRAGON (权志龙)》更新日期为:2025-02-27 13:37:20;目前浏览的小伙伴达到酷奇猫所有作品(图文、音视频以及网站收录)均由用户自行上传分享,仅供网友学习交流,想了解查找更多音乐歌词可以直接搜索查询。若您的权利被侵害,请联系 381291555@qq.com